
Health tea not only helps to cure inflammations but also improves overall health condition. Inflammations in pelvis of the kidney […]
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Health tea not only helps to cure inflammations but also improves overall health condition.

Inflammations in pelvis of the kidney and urinary bladder can develop if bacteria – which usually co-lives with human being and does not provoke any disturbances – activates when body’s self protection ability reduces.

Iceland moss leafage and cotton thistle – prevents growing of bacteria
Red bilberry leaves, Field horsetail tops and birch leaves – stimulates urine discharge and averts blocking up in kidneys
Nettle leaves – improves blood content as well as blood-vessel condition
Plantain leaves – enables renewal of ureter mucous membrane until the normal condition
Sticky catchfly tops – prevents formation of stones in the kidneys
Eglantine – source of vitamins and minerals that strengthen body’s self-protection ability

Net wt: 60 g

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