Health tea “SHIELD”


Combines herbs that have a quality of stimulating organism’s immunity against malignant illnesses and herbs that help to overcome health […]
SKU: 27b3d2c09618 Category:


Combines herbs that have a quality of stimulating organism’s immunity against malignant illnesses and herbs that help to overcome health disturbances after chemotherapy.

Purple marshlocks tops – prevents formation of metastasis
Foalfoot leaves – strengthens non-specific immunity
Purple Coneflower – stimulates formation of phagocytes
Nettle tops – activates origin cells
Field horsetail tops – stimulates phagocytes, contains silicon and zinc linkage
Cat’s foot blossoms – protects liver cells
Marigold blossoms – activates origin cells
Meadowsweet blossoms – stimulates cell clarification
Trifid bur-marigold – functions as anti-oxidant, stimulates humeral immunity
Birch leaves and peels – strenghtens cell immunity, improves kidney and liver functions
St.John’s Wort tops – stimulates phagocytes and blood-vessel cleaning
Dandelion roots – stimulates digestion
Milk thistle leaves – protects liver, enables poisoning neutralization
Chicory root – protects liver, gall stimulating effect

Net wt 72g