Health tea for “KIDNEYS”


Combined herbs have a quality of lessening inflammations, stimulating urine discharge and soothing of aches. Health tea has been made […]
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Combined herbs have a quality of lessening inflammations, stimulating urine discharge and soothing of aches.
Health tea has been made with intention to stimulate kidney filtration ability, lessen inflammations and thereby disturbances.

Red bilberry leaves, birch leaves and juniper berries – stimulates urine discharge
Cotton thistle – prevents inflammations and lessens threat of tumor formations
Oat – source of microelements and heals body on the whole, calms nerves and lessens spasms of smooth muscles
Goat’s beard – can be used in healing of glomerulonephritis
Clover blossoms – stimulates renewal of mucous membrane, also lessens inflammations and aches
Blackberry tops – stimulates functioning of kidneys, enhances gut movements and eases stomach relief

Al in all, Health tea for KIDNEYS stimulates kidney functions without really increasing amount of urine but just urine’s specific weight. Using of this tea lessens formation of kidney incompetence in case of chronic kidney inflammation.

Net wt: 63 g

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